How about you? If you're viewing this you are contributing to TMF. Whether you are a fan, team member, sponser, or a web surfer that got here by mistake, I want you to know that we appreciate your visit. It is so easy to forget those that help in small ways, and I wish to dedicate, at least in part, the formation of this page to them. Whether you are a fan that roots for us or one that roots against us, you have made a contribution to the sport that in turn made a contribution to us. We thank you. There were some along the way that lent a helping hand and others that turned their backs. There were some that set out to race us and others that raced to get us. We thank all of you also for that is what has molded TMF into a better team and one capable of dealing with the ups and downs of this sport. Below you will find names of people and companies that have been a part of the much needed support behind TMF Motorsports. If you do not see your name there don't despair, for this page is dedicated to"EVERYONE".